When Perspective Hits You

I believe that the concept of FinalVibe - the act of pursuing your ideal legacy - is important for everyone, but I also know that every person will come to this realization when they are ready. A sudden loss of a job, a serious illness, a death in the family, or a pandemic can all be moments that make you step back and realize how fragile all of this is. Some people are hit with this when they are young, and others decades later in life.

This happened to me in 2017, when I became extremely anxious about my own health and, until recently, struggled with this on a daily basis. This started with random and small muscle twitches that were happening all over my body, which lead to me in a neurologist’s office on two occasions to rule out ALS (never Google your symptoms). The peace of mind that came from those appointments was short lived, however, when I started experiencing… let’s call them digestive issues. I had an ultrasound that found a polyp on my gallbladder, which was completely removed via surgery a few weeks later, only to find my symptoms were worse. I had a colonoscopy a few weeks later that found a “quite large” (1cm) polyp, and it was too large to remove at that facility. So I had a second colonoscopy a week later to remove that, and then my third just this past November for my 1-year check-up. My fourth will be in 2023. (Woof.) I’ve also had an MRI, completed a full allergy test, and even ate some radioactive eggs before a bunch of x-rays. Last fall, I was prescribed a medicine I take daily that has relieved 90% of my symptoms and allows me to live a normal life (and I am forever grateful to whoever discovered said medicine).

There were some dark times throughout these years. I was, for the first time in my life, wrestling with thoughts of dying. The anxiety was debilitating, and I was also tasked with starting Mizzou Esports in the middle of all of this. I made a promise to myself in 2018 that if I woke up on January 1, 2020, I would accept these undiagnosed problems as part of my life and start living the life of my dreams from that point forward. I’ve done just that, and can say that after years of wrestling with this that I have conquered the anxiety, which was often worse than the physical symptoms I was experiencing.

I created FinalVibe to inspire and motivate other people who are now looking at their life from a different perspective. If you’re ready to pursue the life of your dreams, and to leave a legacy behind that you’re proud of, the FinalVibe movement might just be what you’re looking for.


Now read this

Work Hard, Play Hard

I bought www.FinalVibe.com at 10:17pm on April 13. For the 70 days that followed, I spent every free second that I had developing what FinalVibe is today and what it will be in the future. Sometimes that was 5:00am with coffee, sometimes... Continue →