Work Hard, Play Hard

I bought at 10:17pm on April 13. For the 70 days that followed, I spent every free second that I had developing what FinalVibe is today and what it will be in the future. Sometimes that was 5:00am with coffee, sometimes it was jotting ideas down in a notebook while on a bike ride, and most of the time it was what I was doing in the evenings. With all of this being in addition to having a job, I would guess I was doing 18-hours a day, including weekends, and my mind was constantly racing.

I also knew that I was going to the Lake of the Ozarks in the last weekend of June, and planned to do absolutely nothing except relax, order a bunch of pizza, and spend 4 days trying to figure out which seltzer is the best (High Noon, Pineapple) with some friends from college.

The point is, I have determined that what works best for my personal motivation and quality of work is periods of intense, non-stop focus paired with short getaways (sometimes just mentally) of zero focus on anything. By knowing this is how I achieve my goals, I schedule my life around these sprints and mental retreats.

It can be beneficial to explore different work schedules (take every Sunday off, wake up 90 minutes early) and environments (I think I have done some of my best writing at a bar) to determine what works best for your and the project at hand. Then, embrace it and start checking more things off your list. It might require some sacrifices and adjusting priorities, but that should be expected when you’re trying to accomplish big things.

As much as I needed the last few days, it feels good to be back, and I attribute that to the FinalVibe mindset. Changing my perspective on time and what I want to achieve has me fired up to keep going - and it has since I made that commitment to myself at 10:17pm on April 13.

Make a commitment to yourself. You don’t have to sign up or buy anything to participate with FinalVibe. Start doing your new thing (read a new book, start training for a 5K, volunteer in your community), and share your journey along the way using #FinalVibe.


Now read this

To Not Wasting This

A crisis is a terrible thing to waste. Paul Romer, Stanford economist Today is Day 70. It has officially been 70 days since I’ve been working from home due to COVID-19. It’s been 70 days since the reality of this started to hit me. It’s... Continue →